Friday, August 10, 2012

The elusive Red Apple Vodka

Summer is winding down up here in the woods and I would like to be able to mix up a batch of Red Apple Sangria and have a BBQ with friends at our home.  Jeff can get the accordion out, Larry can sing in his lovely baritone voice, and we can all laugh and have a great time, and the other gathering of friends can come over for the late night croquet challenge and campfire stew along with being silly and all around having fun.  We have the accordion, friends, game sets, campfire ring, and plenty of good food will be available.  Unfortunately this little bottle of vodka is missing from the line up.  Now whoever would think some thing this yummy would be difficult to find.  The Brite Spot (which has a plethora of adult beverages) has none, Super 1 and 2 nope nada.  Now the mission begins.  I have heard it can be found on the Keeweenaw Peninsula in the UP of MI.  I am hoping maybe Rockford, IL might be an option Minneapolis, MN.  I have put out feelers for this rare treat so hopefully before the snow flies (which can be sooner than one might think) I shall have a bottle or 2 in my possession.  Then the dilemma begins to hoard or use........    If you happen to see a bottle when you are out wandering and really like good sangria, grab it and I will send you the recipe (oh and grab one for me too!).

Now to a much more important event, the birthday. I have no problem with having birthdays. Lets face it we either get a year older or there is the other option which just is not as much fun. I will even tell you how old I am going to be, 57.  Yuppers, no problem at growing older.  I love birthdays.  I like giving presents, getting presents, treating friends special, being treated special; you name it.  I love birthdays and my own is no exception.  Tuesday I started the celebrating with a beautiful packages of handmade cards from my sis in Iowa. Yesterday it was lunch with Mary Ann and a fun gift bag of goodies. Last night I went out for wine and dinner with Char, Larry, and Jamey.   Jeff had to miss out on the fun as he was in Green Bay.  Tonight my sweetie and I will have a quiet evening at home.  Saturday I will get calls from the kids, SIL, and friends.  We will go to Paavo, maybe the fair, and just have a fun day.  When I was younger (45 or so) I would snoop through the house looking for my presents (also Christmas packages were not safe either), so the gifts would be hidden at his mother's house.  Now that I am grown up I do not snoop at all in the spare bedroom closet on the shelf in the corner, nope not me.  See I might be getting another year older, but there is still a lot of the silly youngster left in me.

Well it is time for another cup of coffee.  Have a great weekend everyone.  If you are near Hurley, the Paavo marathon is Saturday with the torch lighting tonight.  This is a qualifier for the Boston marathon.  Who would have ever thought that would happen in Mayberry?

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