Saturday, August 4, 2012

Road Trip and other tidbits.

Today Jeff and I are heading south off the Ponderosa (Jeff's term for up north) to go to Rhinelander, a shopping mecca.  We are returning that rotten umbrella that caused a month of grief to Home Depot, then a trip to Menards (I know you are all wishing you could come too), and Kohls! 

Now I am headed to Kohls not for clothing or household linens (although that is an addiction too), I am looking for dishes.  Christmas dishes, grandma's dishes, Fiestaware, you name it I love dishes.  I had 2 more sets before we moved here and I constantly am at Dan's Antiques in Ironwood checking to make sure the one set with the roses is still there. Woe is me I was looking online at a Kohls flyer and there it was, Flamingo Fiestaware. I have been drooling ever since and since I am going to be another year younger in a week I whined and wined until somebody said okay we have room for one more setting (or two).  Now he made this silly statement about getting rid of a couple of place settings that were a little scratched, like that will happen.  Funny thing is I have passed this dish addiction on to my son, who also texted me to let me know there was a new color in Fiestaware and did we have it yet?  This is not for an idea for him to get me for a present.  This is for us to make sure to keep the colors up so he has a full set to inherit when the time comes.

After our shopping expedition we will go for lunch.  When we first went to Rhinelander we were thrilled as there was a Pizza Hut, so lunch was there for many a trip.  Now we have branched out and found a fun little cafe downtown that we both enjoy.  Jeff gets his liver and onions with bacon (nope not me) and I get something different each time.

After the Explorer is full and we are too we will head back to the Ponderosa. Tomorrow looks to be a gorgeous northwoods "cool" day so am looking forward to a little deck time and grilling.

Till the next rambling as Char says "ciao!".

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice day! I'm always up for shopping - love to shop for things for the home. As for the liver and onions - I would skip that too. My go-to is chicken tenders, plain, BBQ, buffalo, you name it. Enjoy!
