Saturday, February 16, 2013

New hound ... maybe or not

I know we can never replace the little one that we lost.  It would be a mistake to even try, but that does not mean that I don't miss the pitter patter of little feet around the house and the wet nose and big doe eyes.

There are my winged pets that squawk in the morning when I don't have their favorite treat tore up and laying on the deck for them to eat, the woodies that like the suet and don't mind me watching as they eat, and all the other little feathery folks that stop by.  Along with the birds I have my own personal herd of deer that faithfully come up the deer highway in the backyard to look for dropped seeds and maybe corn or other handouts.  These are all fine, but they do not replace the unconditional love that comes from a hound. 

My friend in Minneapolis has 4 chihuahuas, all adorable.  I would get another chi in a heartbeat.  They are independent, loving, and funny.  A friend in Ironwood has one that is a spring, but loves to be held.  

Not that I am against other breeds.   Yes Barb, if I would switch a basset hound would be my next choice.  I don't know how they would do in the woods, but if a chi could make it so would they.  Maybe that would be the ticket, a little something different.

So don't tell my other half, but a hound is on my mind.


  1. Did you know my folks raised Bassett Hounds; and my grandparents had tan and black hounds. I'm smiling here ear to ear.

  2. It's hard not to think of another one. Dogs love us so unconditionally and leave such a void when they are gone. I think when we consider another one it honors them, in that they brought so much love and happiness to us, that we want to do it all over again - even knowing we will likely outlive them. It sounds crazy to set ourselves up for that heartache ... but we do. If you decide to get a new family member Pablo would be beaming, thinking "yep... I did my job!" He may have been a little squirt... but he did an awesome job :)
