Wednesday, July 25, 2012

And then it rained!

Today there is a wonderful rain falling on the very dry lawn and garden.  It is such a blessing and it reminds me to be thankful for the blessings.

Life in the woods has been a little hectic lately.  Jeff put his back out  afew weeks ago, has taken forever to get better, and needless to say that has been a worry.  A stubborn man, but a good man, who would not go see the doctor because he was not into having lots of tests and pictures taken of somthing that happens now and then, although he did call just to make me "happy".

Our young man whom we hired to redo the salad bar, a.k.a. flower beds, wrecked his knee wakeboarding.  I have given up having  pretty flower beds because Freda, her children, children's children, and anyone else she can tell have eaten everything in the flowerbeds except the weeds.  (Freda is the name I gave to the deer that frequents our back yard, side yard, front yard and any other part of the yard.)  The few noneaten surviving plants went to my friend's home in Ironwood where I can sit and enjoy them in their unmunched glory.  He had such a great start and was a wonderful worker along with just being a sweet kid. 

Then there is the umbrella.  Our patio umbrella went sailing in a gust of wind and broke.  Now this may sound silly, but that umbrella cost me many moments of frustration, long and repeated visits with customer service on the phone, and more frustration only to get one the engineer is not happy with.   Since the engineer did not like the new umbrella he has figured out a way to fix the broken one and we can take the new one back to Home Depot in Rhinelander, so I guess all is well with the umbrella.  Let me say some people have good luck ordering online, me not so much so!

Sometimes I forget these are all small little bumps in the road and let them drive me nuts.  Then I have this little thing (my stomach) that lets me know to take a step back, take a breath, nothing of the above is important.  Amazing how when I get stressed the stomach gives me pain and then when  I relax the stomach is okay (albeit I need to eat healthier and lighter).

Reminders come in other forms too such as:

  • The two young girls missing in Iowa. I know my grandson is safe and I don't have that nightmare. Even though I don't see him as often as I like, every visit is special.  I love it when he takes his two hands and puts them on each side of my face so that he knows I am listening only to him (Cayden is a chatterbox much like his dad and sometimes my thoughts wander).  At our last visit he gave me a little birdhouse for my chickadees that he helped feed last winter when he came for a visit.  Now my chickadees have the cutest blue and green house to hang out in that you have ever seen. 

  • The elderly homeless man who came to a wedding off the street where he lives to be with people and feel like he belongs.  I am surrounded by wonderful friends who have become family and know I don't have to be alone unless I choose to be.

  • A coworker is mourning the loss of her husband, another her sister, a close friend is coming up on the anniversary of the loss of her husband.  Jeff greeted me with a smile, a kiss, and left the house with an "I love you, drive safely, and have a good day.  Call me if you need me."  These are words he says every morning and means with all of his heart.   I am also blessed with a brother, whom I definitely do not get to see often enough, but loves me too and we chat frequently.  I am happy as I know he too is surrounded by a good woman who loves him along with his children. 

Thank you for the reminder that I am blessed with many happy and wonderful things in my life and that the little bumps in the road are definitely just that bumps, not mountains.

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